Bush Shit: The Injustice of George H.W. Bush Dipping Out Before Having to Deal With Any of the Consequences of His Environmental Decisions

George H.W. Bush, who became mildly more respected later on in life, along with just about every other Republican president that is now deemed a prince in comparison to the current oppressor, was not always so “lovable” in the same way his son has suddenly become in his current stead as some sort of painting peacenik.

Starting with Samuel Prescott Bush, the Bush family and its many subsequent scions would bear no regard for any damaging ramifications their industrialist background might have on the environment later on in life. Because it’s not how hard you think, it’s how hard you play football. In fact, Samuel was a man who played on one of the earliest college football teams in the U.S. This should immediately tell you that this family is at the very fiber of what it means to be “American”: frivolous, inane, selfish and the utmost of proponents for fortifying a meathead.

Taking over Frank Rockefeller’s (brother to John D.) position as president of Buckeye Steel Castings Company in 1908, Samuel ascended to the privileged rank of being one of the top industrialists of the era, carving out the path for his son, Prescott Bush, who instead chose to dabble more in investment banking, taking advantage of nepotism at its finest by capitalizing on his father-in-law’s, George Herbert Walker, influential post as president of A. Harriman & Co., briefly toying with the rubber industry before returning to his investment banking “niche”–and, you know, helping to finance Nazism. And then came old George H.W., who, in a Bush tradition of wanting to prove oneself to Daddy, felt inclined to pluck his own place in white male mogul history. Thus, taking a cue on how to rape the environment from his forebears, Bush was the first to leave behind his family’s east coast roots in favor of West Texas, where striking the oil business while it was still bountiful made him a millionaire in his own right by the age of forty.

So it was that George W. Bush had generations of family wealth to help secure him a place in any rich man’s profession he should so choose (in addition to the requisite Bush education at Yale, where he received the “Yale C” a.k.a. was scoring below a C average yet still managed to graduate with undeniable thanks to the Bush family’s legacy there [read: an ability to pay for new wings for centuries to come–except that the earth won’t be lasting many more in part thanks to what the Bush family hath wrought in their quest for increased revenue]). But what set GW apart from previous Bush men is his very overt desire to emulate his father as both military man (GW in the Air Force as opposed to the Navy, like his father) and politician. It seems, in fact, highly likely that when the reaper comes for Dubya, he, too, will suddenly be “sainted” as some kind civil servant.

It’s an almost astonishing instance of how once you’re dead, people seem to have amnesia about what a little asshole you were for the sake of writing up the perfect “legacy pieces,” the kind that prompt diversity in party lines to come out of the woodwork in the form of quotes from the likes of Vladimir Putin (“A distinguished man has passed away. One who served his country for his entire life, with a weapon in his hands during wartime and in high office during peacetime.”) and Barack Obama (“George H.W. Bush’s life is a testament to the notion that public service is a noble, joyous calling. And he did tremendous good along the journey.”). And sure, “public service” is a fuckin’ cinch when you’ve got plenty of money to back up the kind of time it takes to engage in it, or at least present yourself as engaging in it via the correct photo opportunity.

This is how his allegiance to the crookedness of Nixon and the Republican party is being repositioned as well, instead being billed as his attempt to salvage the reputation of the party by becoming its chairman at a time when the Watergate scandal was at its height. A signification of his diligence and loyalty–his “team player” spirit (it all goes back to football, don’t it?). It seemed, in fact, that in becoming the key marionette of the Republican party as Gerald Ford took over the presidency, H.W. was repaid endlessly in titles of high esteem, among them envoy to the (then ironically called People’s Republic) of China and director of the CIA, his tenure of which included ruthlessly backing Operation Condor, the U.S.-sanctioned movement to eradicate “political threats” in South America of a communistic or Soviet influence. Eradication, naturally, being a euphemism for “kill baby kill”–these people do not like processed hamburgers and Nikes, ergo they must die. They’re a threat to the very fabric of the Western world.

Ah, and speaking of threats, H.W. was positioned to help take the credit for securing the fall of the insidious Berlin Wall, his “relationship” with Mikhail Gorbachev helping to “peacefully” end the Cold War (as if it didn’t manifest in other more perverse and covert ways as the 90s progressed) by giving a spiel on the detriments of “suicidal nationalism” on both sides of the iron curtain in what would be billed as his “Chicken Kiev speech.” As though it was honestly “a speech” from a conservative American politician that ended it. Get fucking real.

Briefly feigning the part of concerned citizen for the welfare of his nation’s environment, H.W. appointed environmentalist William Reilly to head the EPA before negating said appointment by installing John H. Sununu, Richard Darman and Dan Quayle into the mix as well, opting to heavily restrict regulation on “developmental” activities in the last two years of his presidency. His deliberately defiant acts against Mother Nature also included opposing the efforts of the Earth Summit in 1992 and lobbying to do away with all “binding” laws (which shouldn’t be an oxymoron, but apparently somehow is) to limit global carbon dioxide emissions. Because one’s inner industrialist never dies, no matter how much he might feel the occasional pangs of guilt à la Ebenezer Scrooge (who, by the way, if there was a sequel about him would have undeniably returned to his old ways once Tiny Tim got on his fucking nerves with all those damned cheesy aphorisms) when his money has briefly afforded him a fake conscience.

Incidentally, the only reason white men ever got rich in the first place was from pillaging a land there is nothing left to take from. It is the pattern of the white man to do wrong in his “youth” (which somehow equates to being in his forties and fifties) before he “suddenly” turns to philanthropy and/or religion as recompense for all the damage that’s already been done. But soon enough, there will be nothing to turn to so as to make up for the irreversible destruction as all of us, rich and poor, will have fizzled out due to inhospitable conditions stemmed from the Bushes and their ilk. Because it’s all fucking Bush shit.

Genna Rivieccio http://culledculture.com

Genna Rivieccio writes for myriad blogs, mainly this one, The Burning Bush, Missing A Dick, The Airship and Meditations on Misery.

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